شعار الموقع
القائمة الجانبية الاحترافية
الصفحة الرئيسية عروض شركة المهندس الشركات المصنعة أجهزة فحص السيارات وكشف الأعطال أجهزة فحص الشاحنات أجهزة التعديل على كمبيوتر السيارة أجهزة فحص الصبغ مفاتيح السيارات شواحن السيارات الكهربائية معدات الورش معدات يدوية أهم مدوناتنا المدونة عن الشركة

what is Autel , who is Autel where can i Buy Autel

Is Autel made in China?

Yes , its made in China

Is Autel scanner a American company?

No its China company


What is Autel

Autel is one of the world’s leading providers of automotive intelligent diagnostics, inspection and TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) products and services. Autel has been deeply involved in the global automotive intelligent diagnosis and testing field for more than ten years.


Who owns Autel?

Autel Intelligent Technology Corp., Ltd., headed by Mr. Frank Lee


Which country is Autel from?



How long has Autel been around?

Autel is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of professional automotive diagnostic tools and accessories in the automotive aftermarket since 2004.


Where are Autel products made?

China and recently they have factory in Vietnam as well


Do you have to update Autel every year?

If you want the latest coverage you will need to keep purchasing 1-year update subscriptions. The MaxiSYS includes a 1-year update subscription that becomes active after the tool has been registered with Autel


Where can I Buy Autel Scanner Diagnostic Tools


Al Muhandes Workshop Equip

UAE sharjha 00971501679410



Who makes Autel scan tools?

Autel Intelligent Technology Corp., Ltd manufactures automobile equipment. The Company produces automotive diagnostic and analysis systems, automotive key tools, electrical testers, code readers and scanners, and other relates equipment. Autel Intelligent Technology markets its products worldwide.