شعار الموقع
القائمة الجانبية الاحترافية
الصفحة الرئيسية عروض شركة المهندس الشركات المصنعة أجهزة فحص السيارات وكشف الأعطال أجهزة فحص الشاحنات أجهزة التعديل على كمبيوتر السيارة أجهزة فحص الصبغ مفاتيح السيارات شواحن السيارات الكهربائية معدات الورش معدات يدوية أهم مدوناتنا المدونة عن الشركة

Alientech Kess3 Price Dubai UAE

،Kess 3 

KESS3 combines 3 operating modes in a single tool, OBD, Bench & Boot Mode.

A new microprocessor, latest-generarion I/O interfaces, improved memory and new built-in sensors are the main features in KESS3.


ECM Titanium is our Remap software suite developed by Alientech that enables you to interpret and modify the maps contained in the original files of the ECUs and TCUs.



A comprehensive solution in which you have dedicated technical assistance, up to 100 drivers per day 

available for download for cars, bikes, tractors, trucks, and boats.

You can request Original Files and New Drivers, update the drivers list and the software. If you choose 

the Full version, you have everything at your disposal and you are free to remap without restriction.


Activate your ECM TITANIUM software with Credits and choose the operations that interest you the 

most. Do you need a motorbike or gearbox driver? Use some of your credits only! You maintain control 

over what you do and, depending on your needs, you can expand your “credit package”.